Here are the numbers: DJI down -119.12 or -0.67%, SPX -12.00 or -0.57%, NDX -20.41 or -0.44%, and RUT -13.37 or -1.06%.
Tomorrow is OpEx day and some notable names have reported their earnings after the market close today. Two names that will have some influence on the movement of the market are V and AMZN. Both of them reported good earnings and their stock price went up substantially in after hour trading. If these gains hold up, the DJI, SPX and NDX could move higher.
For the near term, the resistance level for the SPY could be 211.99 and the support could be 207.95, these levels correspond to 2142.20 and 2080.15 resistance and support level respectively for the SPX.
(click on the chart to enlarge)


After the updated open interest data is available, I will update the OI chart for AAPL & SPY and will post them on my twitter stream along with my initial guess on where the pin might be.